Salsa Classes

Another great chance you get by coming to Colombia and join our program is to have Salsa and Latin music classes. The cost per hour with a professional dance instructor is around $5. Then, you will be able to practice your learning at weekends in authentic salsa bars and discos with Colombian guys and girls.

Another option is to have classes at the University of Tolima with experienced teachers and more Colombian students. There is Salsa on Wednesdays, Bachata on Thursdays and Tango on Fridays.

Another great chance you get by coming to Colombia and join our program is to have Salsa and Latin music classes. The cost per hour with a professional dance instructor is around $5. Then, you will be able to practice your learning at weekends in authentic salsa bars and discos with Colombian guys and girls.

Another option is to have classes at the University of Tolima with experienced teachers and more Colombian students. There is Salsa on Wednesdays, Bachata on Thursdays and Tango on Fridays.